Offered for sale is a complete Q LLC Sugar Weasel 7" pistol in 300 Blackout in good condition, that will also come with a brand new 13" 5.56 Sugar Weasel complete upper receiver group.
Both uppers have their own charging handles and bolt carrier groups. Bundle up for big savings!
Complete 300BLK Sugar Weasel + Complete 5.56 Sugar Weasel URG + Holosun 510C = $2400 Firm
Complete 300BLK Sugar Weasel + Complete 5.56 Sugar Weasel URG = $2300 Firm
Complete 300BLK Sugar Weasel = $1500 Firm
Complete 5.56 Sugar Weasel URG = $900 Firm
Trade offers and lowball offers will not be responded to.
Listing ID:3052969